Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Today’s Totally Random Lines


Then, that, without the knowledge

Either of the king or council, when you went

Ambassador to the emperor, you made bold

To carry into Flanders the great seal.


Duke of Suffolk

King Henry the Eighth     Act III, Scene ii, Line 318


A bunch of the dukes and earls are listing out all of Cardinal Wolsey’s offenses. It seems that the ambitious cardinal’s ambitious ways are catching up with him. He had been a favorite of the king, but his fortunes are now turning.

Ambition can be a good thing, but too much of a good thing is seldom wise.

Any comments on today’s line Mojo?

I should have known: Mojo had some vaccinations yesterday and that's left him a little under the weather and completely uninterested in today's line.

Okay, sorry little buddy. I hope you feel better.


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  Today’s Totally Random Lines                          I have heard Your grace hath ta’en great pains to qualify His rigorous cours...