Saturday, July 22, 2023

Today’s Totally Random Lines


Are you not Signior Benedick?


Don Juan

Much Ado About Nothing                  Act II, Scene i, Line 153


And the answer?

You know me well, I am.

And there you have it: question answered. Isn't it nice when we get nice simple questions that have nice simple answers. Life would be grand with more of these.

Is this me standing in front of a tower made up of naked people? 
Why, yes, it is actually. 
Simple question. 
Simple answer.
Life is grand.


Squeaks said...

If he knew him so well, why'd he even have to ask the question??

Pete Blagys said...


  Today’s Totally Random Lines                          I have heard Your grace hath ta’en great pains to qualify His rigorous cours...