Saturday, July 8, 2023


Today’s Totally Random Lines


What are your pleasures with me, reverend lords?


Queen Katherine

King Henry the Eighth    Act III, Scene i, Line 25


What do you guys want? There, that’s the Pete version; plain and simple. What more is there to say about today’s line? I have to say, though, I like the full three lines of the Queen’s statement here, partly because she uses the term housewife.
Your Graces find me here part of a housewife: I would be all, against the worst may happen. What are your pleasures with me, reverend lords? Here I am, part housewife, part queen: I’d just as soon be all housewife, regardless of what might happen. Anyway, what do you guys want? Maybe I should do my own rendition of NoFear Shakespeare. But what would I call it? Totally Random Shakespeare? That doesn’t seem to make sense.
In Pete’s Words Shakespeare? That’s a little better, but way too long.
How about Shakespeare, For Pete’s Sake? Maybe.

I was gonna say it’s a moot point, because I’m not gonna be writing that book. Then it occurred to me that I could do it as a regular segment of my blog here. I’m pretty sure my follower would like it.

Okay, then I need a name, and I don’t really like any of the ones I’ve come up with so far.

Totally Random Pete? No

For Pete’s Sake Version? I’ll give that a maybe. That last one is growing on me. I certainly don’t hate it. Yah, I might use that…wait a minute--- the Pete Version. That’s what I called today’s version at the top of this post. 

The Pete Version. Yup, that’s it. Sold.

The Pete Version of a fall day at Ten Mile River


Squeaks said...

I like "For Pete's Sake"!

What's NoFear Shakespeare? Is that like Shakespeare for Dummies? Because if For Pete's Sake would be Shakespeare for Dummies, I'd definitely double subscribe.

Pete Blagys said...

Yes, for dummies. It's a line-by-line rephrasing of the works into more understandable language.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...