Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Today’s Totally Random Lines


You are the fount that makes small brooks to flow:


King Edward

King Henry the Sixth Part III   Act IV, Scene viii, Line 54

Well I read that and I thought, what a nice compliment. Right. Now listen to the whole six lines. Edward is talking to Henry whom he’s just stolen the kingship from.
Seize on the shame-faced Henry, bear him hence; And once again proclaim us king of England.— You are the fount that makes small brooks to flow; Now stops thy spring; my sea shall suck them dry, And swell so much the higher by their ebb.— Hence with him to the Tower; let him not speak. So apparently being the fount that makes small brooks to grow is small potatoes. One needs to be the sea that swells so much the bigger by sucking the small brooks dry.

I don’t know about you, but I think I’d rather be the fount that makes small brooks to flow. 

What an absolutely gorgeous morning it is out here in the backyard. The days don’t get much nicer than this. 

You can keep your swelling seas, thank you very much.


Squeaks said...

I think our blue herons need more foliage to frolic in like your flamingos.

Pete Blagys said...

Those herons are pretty good looking. I think they stand pretty well on their own.
They can definitely be the fount that makes small brooks to flow.

  Today’s Totally Random Lines   The great Achilles,—whom opinion crowns The sinew and the forehand of our host,-- Having his ear full o...