Monday, July 17, 2023


Today’s Totally Random Lines


But now the bishop

Turns insurrection to religion:

Supposed sincere and holy in his thoughts,

He’s follow’d both with body and with mind;

And doth enlarge his rising with the blood

Of fair King Richard, scraped from Pomfret stones;

Derives from heaven his quarrel and his cause;

Tells them he doth bestride a bleeding land,

Gasping for life under great Bolingbroke;

And more and less do flock to him.



King Henry the Fourth Part II      Act I, Scene i, Line 202

Morton and Northumberland are discussing the rebellion against Henry IV that they are leading and that they appear to be losing. In today’s lines Morton brings up the Archbishop of York who is inspiring people to rebellion through his religion. I believe Northumberland’s going to make plans to join forces with the bishop.

What, you didn’t get that the archbishop was inspiring people to rebellion through his religion when you read today’s Totally Random Daily Lines? Oh come on! Okay then, you want the Pete Version? Fine.

Morton starts off his speech, preceding Today’s Totally Random Lines, by saying that the people under their command in this rebellion are torn: they want to fight, but their consciouses tell them that rebellion is wrong.

But the bishop turns rebellion into being a part of religion.

He shows sincerity and holiness in his thoughts,

And the people follow him with body and mind.

He grows the ranks of his followers by talking about how King Richard (the guy that Henry IV stole the throne from) was murdered by Henry at Pomfret Castle.

He tells the people that God is on the side of a rebellion.

He tells the people that the land is bleeding and gasping for life under the leadership of Henry IV (Henry IV was known as Bolingbroke before he became Henry IV).

And in this way the bishop has drawn many people to his side.


Got it now? Good.

No religion needed to draw this little guy to your side;
just a nice cool melona popsicle.





Squeaks said...

The Pete translation was sorely needed.

Pete Blagys said...

Glad to be of assistance

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